History Archives - West Coast Food



By Brittany Tiplady  In Cooked, journalist and author Michael Pollan explores the continual and timeless necessity of fire, water, air, and earth, as critical creators and sustainers of food, and how we make it.  In his book and documentary of the same name, Pollan profoundly shares that “all cooking is alchemy– it’s transformation. But bread is the greatest alchemy of all. Take a small amount of food and turn it into a large amount of food that can feed a lot of people, literally out of thin air.”  Throughout history, flour, water, salt, yeast has been kneaded into many iterations – feeding religions, cultures, and diasporas across the globe, weaving together our singular need for nourishment.  Bread is the great connector.  And to celebrate that, The Coquitlam Heritage Society invites you to break bread with them. On until June 30, 2023, the Breaking Bread exhibit at the Mackin House is…