Images and words by Matt Law In Vancouver it’s easy to find restaurants serving delicious food from around the world. Italian, Japanese, Indian – sometimes there are so many to choose from that it’s hard to make a choice at all. However, if you’re after a truly traditional West Coast meal with international acclaim then Salmon n’ Bannock should be at the top of your list. Since 2010 Salmon n’ Bannock has been one of Vancouver’s only Indigenous-owned and operated restaurants. The menu is crafted around fresh local ingredients, and everything is made from scratch. The appetizer list includes treats like BBQ salmon mousse (served with bannock, of course), house smoked braised duck wings, and a sampler plate of free-range game meats. Their mains include a bison pot roast, red snapper, and “garden balls” – vegan baked vegetable fritters on a bed of bannock dumplings. One of the favourite items…