World Food Archives - West Coast Food

World Food


Adventurous foodies need not leave Metro Vancouver to explore hidden gems of world cuisine. In an era where global connectivity is at our fingertips, our local dining scene becomes a portal to far-off lands. By exploring unique regional cuisines, we not only indulge in exotic flavours but also get the opportunity to engage in a deeper dialogue about identity, heritage, and the socio-political forces shaping our world. In each dish lies a story of history, migration, and resilience, offering insights into the complexities of our world. From culinary fusions born out of cultural exchange to dishes that carry the weight of centuries-old traditions, every bite becomes a lesson in empathy, understanding, and appreciation for the diverse tapestry of human experience. Uncover the delightfully unexpected at these restaurants around Metro Vancouver.  Article by: Mithalee Rawat Spice of Nepal While Indian cuisine enjoys worldwide popularity, the culinary treasures of its neighbouring country,…